News digest of the CDTO Campus

3 educational programs of the project arein progress; 4 courses have already been completed, and the “Creating theDigital Future” leadership program for experienced CDTOs is prepared for launch

In November 2023, the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation ofUkraine has represented the CDTO Campus, the govtech project, the goal of whichis preparing 1,500 state managers able to implement powerful digitalinitiatives that are going to make Ukraine the most convenient country in theworld, without any queues, bureaucracy and corruption.

Currently, 3 educational programs are in progress within the frameworkof the project; 4 courses have already been completed, and the “Creating theDigital Future” leadership program for experiences CDTOs is going to belaunched in May.

Let us tellyou about the latest events regarding the project in more detail:

  1. The registration for the second intake of the “Digital Transformation inPublic Administration” program is open. The duration of studies is 9 months;the program consists of 14 modules and 56 topics, from the tools ofimplementation of new e-services to their marketing among the citizens.
  2. Studies according to the following programs are in progress:
    • «Digital Transformation in Public Administration»
    • «UNDP: Leadership Program for Women in the Digitalization of Public Services»
    • «Tolocar: Open Source Immersion Days»
  3. During the project, the following global digital transformation expertshave read the guest lectures:
    • Janusz Cieszyński, the ex-Minister of Digital Affairs of Poland «mObywatel — How We Built an Ecosystem for Delivering E-Services in Poland»;
    • Yolanda Martinez, the head of the Gov Stack Initiative project of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) «Digital Inclusivity for a Sustainable Present. Lessons from Around the World»
  4. The «EU4DigitalUA: Personal Data Protection» is over. 21 students have joined the studies, which have lasted 2 months. The lecturers of the course have been the experts of the Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD).

CDTOCampus is implemented by the East Europe Foundation, funded by the VisaFoundation, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit undEntwicklung / BMZ), and supported by GIZ in cooperation with the DigitalityGovTech Center of Excellence under the auspices of the Ministry of DigitalTransformation of Ukraine