The First Online Meeting Within the Framework of the Design Thinking Workshop from the Stanford Professors Has Taken Place

The participants of the open educationalsession have learned how design skills help find innovative solutions of problems,when planning and foreseeing is almost impossible.

On June 18, the first online meeting within the framework of the Ambiguity for Innovation: Designing for the Unknown, Together workshop from the lead specialists of Stanford, including the following, has taken place:

  • Sarah Stein Greenberg, the Executive Director of Stanford and the author of Creative Acts for Curious People: How to Think, Create and Lead in Unconventional Ways (Ten Speed Press);
  • Glenn Fajardo, the ex-director of the Global Network Co-Design Practice of the TechSoup International Non-Commercial Society and the co-author of Rituals for Virtual Meetings: Creative Ways to Engage People and Strengthen Relationships;
  • Meenu Singh, the professor of Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford.

The speakers have told how design thinking helps navigate and take efficient and creative decisions, when planning and foreseeing the next days is almost impossible.

The participants have also attempted to discover their archetype during cooperation with uncertainty that characterizes its perception by the person (as limitations or opportunities).

The meeting has been interactive. Everyone who has joined not only have listened to the reports of the experts, but completed practical exercises and participated in discussions as well.

The second part of the workshop is going to take place on July 11 and is going to be dedicated to uncertainty in team procedures and project dynamics.

Watch the news of the CDTO Campus on social media and be the first to learn about the workshop insights.