Programs /
Digital transformation in public administration

Digital transformation in public administration program

The program is designed for active government officials who truly want to become a part of the new generation of leaders and develop digital and innovative strategies for executive authorities
Registration is now closed. The next opportunity to sign up will be coming soon.
Program Description
The program is based on a unique Ukrainian experience. It helps acquire skills to implement digital transformation projects in the public sector
More information

The program “Digital Transformation of Public Administration” offers profound insights into digital transformation specialists' work. It combines technical knowledge, administrative skills, and industry awareness.  

Our program includes exclusive content that is based on Ukrainian and international experience. The learning process takes nine months and involves accreditation of participants' knowledge. There are academic and practical modules.

By the end of the program, students will have gained knowledge of the development of state policy, digital trends and innovations, and digital tools to conduct and improve public administration.

Our lecturers are experienced specialists and admitted influencers of digital transformation in the public sector.

We extremely support the community of like-minded individuals who are united by ideas and values and ready to work together for the digital transformation of Ukraine.

Who is this program for

The program is designed for specialists who strive to work in or have already worked in local, regional, and national digital transformation authorities

The expected outcome for program participants

New knowledge and skills
Understanding modern communication tools
Ability to design
Skills in cybersecurity
Acquaintance with digitalization trends

Program details

9 months
Online /Offline
Higher education degree
At least two years of relevant professional experience
Good knowledge of English
Call for applications
Until May 31


Mykhailo Fedorov
Mykhailo Fedorov
Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development - Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Valeriia Ionan
Valeriia Ionan
Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation for European Integration, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Slava Banik
Slava Banik
Head of E-services development at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Stanislav Prybytko
Stanislav Prybytko
Chief Executive of the Electronic Communications Development Directorate, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Yurii Matsyk
Yurii Matsyk
Chief Executive of the Broadband Internet Access Infrastructure Development Department, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Yurii Turii
Yurii Turii
Head of the Expert Group for the Development of the Electronic Register System, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Zoriana Stetsiuk
Zoriana Stetsiuk
Chief Executive of the Public Services Reengineering Directorate, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Oleksandr Zakusylo
Oleksandr Zakusylo
Chief Executive of the Directorate of Electronic Registers, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Yanina Liubiva
Yanina Liubiva
Open Data Expert, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Kateryna Romanenko
Chief Executive of the Directorate of Strategic Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Snizhana Rakcheieva
Press Secretary of the Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology - Minister of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Alina Kuts Karpenko
Head of the Expert Group of Personal Data Protection of the Digitalization Development Directorate, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Ivan Ostashko
State Expert of the International Cooperation Expert Group of the Directorate of Strategic Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Valeriia Tkach
The Deputy Chief Executive of the Electronic Services Development Department - the Head of the Electronic Services Development Department on the Unified Web Portal, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Nelia Bihun
Head of the Department of Organizational Support of the Apparatus, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Volodymyr Brusilovskyi
UNDP Ukraine DIA Support project manager
Oleksii Dorohan
CEO of the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO)
Iryna Zabolotna
Head of the Diia Implementation Team SE “Diia”
Tetiana Prykhodko
Coordinator of regional digitalization and innovation, analyst at the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Eastern Europe Foundation
Anna Aleksieienko
Head of SMM, SE "Diia"
Illia Rodin
Head of the Applied Software Development Department
Mykhailo Kornieiev
Data and Services Expert, e-Governance Academy
Mariia Karchevich
Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine for Issues of Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Tetiana Nanaieva
Chairman of the Expert Advisory Committee on Digital Technologies in Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Ruslana Korenchuk
Project Manager of Joint Projects of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Eastern Europe Foundation
Trokhym Babych
Coordinator of the Educational Direction of Cybersecurity, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy National University
Serhii Orlov
Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine for Issues of Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Danylo Molchanov
Head of the TAPAS Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services / TAPAS
Kateryna Chernogorenko
Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation, and Digitalization
Artem Mykhailiuk
Advisor to the Minister of Digital Transformation
Vadym Konoval
Director of the Directorate for the Development of the National Informatization Program, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Serhiy Karelin
Leader of the «Action Services» direction, Academy of Electronic Governance (Tallinn, Estonia)
Olena Chernega
Leader in virtual tourism
Anastasiia Kompaniets
Head of the Electronic Identification Department, State Enterprise «DIYA»

Program structure

Download detailed description of modules
Module 1
Governing in the Digital Era
This course promotes the fundamental principles of an inclusive society and the role of digitalization in achieving accessibility, digital inclusion, and all 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It provides introductory information on existing digital and innovative tools for combating exclusion, including digital exclusion
Module 2
Intro to Public Policy
The program is tailored for leaders of digital transformations across various government agencies and ministries, who have already achieved significant success in their respective fields. Participants are required to be recommended by their supervisors or colleagues. The selection of candidates is conducted by a dedicated commission
Module 3
Public Digital Infrastructure
This course navigates digital and technological trends in areas such as internet access, registries, databases, cloud services, and more. It provides an understanding of digital identification, digital signatures, and online payments
Module 4
Digital Service Design and Delivery, and Their Further Support
This course will foster skills in designing, supporting, continuously improving, and institutionalizing digital service delivery. It aims to enhance team operational processes and improve residents' quality of life by reducing administrative burdens. The course will also uncover critical methods for assessing and supporting the delivery of digital services
Module 5
Customer Support of Public E-Service
This course enhances understanding of creating, developing, and managing a support team. It shapes the vision of possible scenarios for monitoring team performance using digital tools and contributes to understanding business processes in interacting with and supporting partners
Module 6
Government IT and Finances
This course helps understand the specifics of available finances: budgeting and procurement, international technical assistance, public-private partnership, etc. It covers their applicability, expected results, and risks
Module 7
Building and Establishing a Digital Team
This course provides information on creating a strong digital team, including needed competencies, recruiting talents, motivational measures, types of people management, and developing a multidisciplinary team. It teaches program participants
Module 8
Digital Technologies to Achieve UN SDGs and Their Implementation in the Regions
This course promotes the fundamental principles of an inclusive society and the role of digitalization in achieving accessibility, digital inclusion, and all 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It provides introductory information on existing digital and innovative tools for combating exclusion, including digital exclusion
Module 9
Intro to Cybersecurity
This course enables participants to comprehend various types of cyber threats and the essentials of cybersecurity to better protect digital information. It covers security system architecture, national aspects of critical infrastructure development, and tools for engaging cybersecurity experts
Module 10
Development of Digital Education
This course enables participants to identify, assess, and implement digital tools for educational development. It will describe educational technologies and their impact on various target audiences (students, parents, educators, etc.). The course also covers the integration of new technologies with traditional forms of learning to effectively support state policies in education
Module 11
Open Data for Civil Servants
This course contributes to the formation of a new data-driven management culture. It highlights the importance of data architecture, public administration, open data, data analytics, decision-making based on data, and data publishing platforms
Module 12
Privacy and Data Protection in the Public Sector
This course provides knowledge about the rights and obligations of citizens and state agencies regarding the processing of personal data. It explores how to combine privacy with convenient automated online services and covers the role of technology in protecting personal data
Module 13
Access to Public Information
This course explains the difference between public, confidential, and classified types of information, and information with restricted access. It introduces working models for each type of information and platforms for handling public data (collection, analysis, and visualization)
Module 14
Digital Culture and Marketing
This course enhances knowledge about implementing innovative and digital culture within an organization. It covers the importance and methods of effective communication, building a new approach to risk management, and promoting the organization. The course also provides an understanding of digital culture in conjunction with other fields of activity, such as education, consumption, finance, mobility, and more
Module 1
Governing in the Digital Era

This course promotes the fundamental principles of an inclusive society and the role of digitalization in achieving accessibility, digital inclusion, and all 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It provides introductory information on existing digital and innovative tools for combating exclusion, including digital exclusion

Module 2
Intro to Public Policy

The program is tailored for leaders of digital transformations across various government agencies and ministries, who have already achieved significant success in their respective fields. Participants are required to be recommended by their supervisors or colleagues. The selection of candidates is conducted by a dedicated commission

Module 3
Public Digital Infrastructure

This course navigates digital and technological trends in areas such as internet access, registries, databases, cloud services, and more. It provides an understanding of digital identification, digital signatures, and online payments

Module 4
Digital Service Design and Delivery, and Their Further Support

This course will foster skills in designing, supporting, continuously improving, and institutionalizing digital service delivery. It aims to enhance team operational processes and improve residents' quality of life by reducing administrative burdens. The course will also uncover critical methods for assessing and supporting the delivery of digital services

Module 5
Customer Support of Public E-Service

This course enhances understanding of creating, developing, and managing a support team. It shapes the vision of possible scenarios for monitoring team performance using digital tools and contributes to understanding business processes in interacting with and supporting partners

Module 6
Government IT and Finances

This course helps understand the specifics of available finances: budgeting and procurement, international technical assistance, public-private partnership, etc. It covers their applicability, expected results, and risks

Module 7
Building and Establishing a Digital Team

This course provides information on creating a strong digital team, including needed competencies, recruiting talents, motivational measures, types of people management, and developing a multidisciplinary team. It teaches program participants

Module 8
Digital Technologies to Achieve UN SDGs and Their Implementation in the Regions

This course promotes the fundamental principles of an inclusive society and the role of digitalization in achieving accessibility, digital inclusion, and all 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It provides introductory information on existing digital and innovative tools for combating exclusion, including digital exclusion

Module 9
Security Issues

This course enables participants to comprehend various types of cyber threats and the essentials of cybersecurity to better protect digital information. It covers security system architecture, national aspects of critical infrastructure development, and tools for engaging cybersecurity experts

Module 10
Open Data for 

Civil Servants

This course contributes to the formation of a new data-driven management culture. It highlights the importance of data architecture, public administration, open data, data analytics, decision-making based on data, and data publishing platforms

Module 11
Privacy and Data Protection in the Public Sector

This course provides knowledge about the rights and obligations of citizens and state agencies regarding the processing of personal data. It explores how to combine privacy with convenient automated online services and covers the role of technology in protecting personal data

Module 12
Access to the Public

This course explains the difference between public, confidential, and classified types of information, and information with restricted access. It introduces working models for each type of information and platforms for handling public data (collection, analysis, and visualization)

Module 13
Legal Framework for Digital Transformation

Regulatory compliance in the digitalization context. The legal support for digital evaluation of regulatory act projects and the organizational-legal framework for conducting specialized inspections to prevent the compatibility of corrupt practices with public service

Module 14
Digital Culture and Marketing

This course enhances knowledge about implementing innovative and digital culture within an organization. It covers the importance and methods of effective communication, building a new approach to risk management, and promoting the organization. The course also provides an understanding of digital culture in conjunction with other fields of activity, such as education, consumption, finance, mobility, and more

Module 15
Development of Digital

This course enables participants to identify, assess, and implement digital tools for educational development. It describes educational technologies and their impact on various target audiences (students, parents, educators, etc.). The course also covers the integration of new technologies with traditional forms of learning to effectively support state policies in education


Will I receive a certificate?

After the successful completion of the program, a participant will get a certificate. 63 points out of maximum 100 for the certificate

How much does the program cost?

The program is supported by the donors and is free for the students

Does your Campus have a bomb shelter?

We provide a bomb shelter on the Campus

Ready to get started with the program?
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